Tuesday, March 2, 2010

You have probably noticed, that we have not made an update entry since Robin began her radiation therapy. The reason we did not communicate was at the beginning, her sessions were uneventful and of little consequence.

The prescribed treatment was for twenty-eight sessions, five days a week. Each day, Robin would report in with a scan card, go back to the waiting room and wait for her call. Once she was in the radiation room, the process was approximately 10 minutes. It was painless and very efficient. So, for the first few weeks, Robin thought her treatment was a breeze…than – week three hit, and the reality of the cumulative effect of the treatments began to set in.

These last three weeks have been extremely challenging for Robin. Nausea, lower GI issues, loss of appetite and extreme fatigue began to take its toll. Our Robin was so courageous and she endured and completed all of her treatments.

One week ago today, Robin had her last treatment. The radiology staff played a graduation march and presented her with a Diploma. Thankfully the treatment was over.

Robin and Dan met with her Dr. Lee who informed them that Robin will need a good six weeks to recover from the radiation. As of today, Robin is finally getting her appetite back and is spending a brief time sitting in her living room – the first time in over three weeks of being in bed.

We are thankful all of the cancer treatments are over. Today Robin is symptom free and we are trusting that she will remain so.

Thank you all for your prayers, phone calls, cards/letters and your love….we appreciate you so much!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I am so excited to report that I am leukemia free. After a recent bone marrow biopsy, Dr. Shihabi left a message that he was pleased to tell me that my bone marrow biopsy came back completely normal. WOW!!! So all the abnormal chromosomes, what they call the Philadelphia chromosomes, are all gone and looking at the biopsy there is no evidence of leukemia any more. Praise the Lord!!!

Isn’t that fantastic news…. Should we be surprised? We serve a Living God!!

Dr. Shihabi did say that even though I am leukemia free, it would be necessary to continue taking Gleevec. That is what is keeping the disease in check. Who cares, I am responding.

It is interesting to note that when Dan and I were discussing that the discovery of my leukemia lead to the discovery of my ovarian cancer. Could it be that God orchestrated this whole process so that I would be diagnosed so that the ovarian tumor was discovered before it was too late for treatment? We believe God orchestrated it all. As Dan would say, “that is our story and we are sticking to it.”

So as of today, I am leukemia and ovarian cancer free and we thank the Lord for this good report.

This past Wednesday I started my first radiation therapy. I am scheduled for 6 weeks of radiation therapy 5 days a week. This therapy is a preventative measures and is focused on the pelvic area. The process has been so much easier than I thought. However, I do miss the Valet Parking at the Sutter Cancer Center that was cool and so impressive. But, Mercy General has been so kind to give me a parking pass to park directly in front of the Hospital. So I would say, in total, I am in and out within 20 minutes. I swipe the card under the scanner (check myself in), make my way to the dressing room, they call me in, I get on the table and radiation is finished within 20 seconds (4 levels 5 seconds each).

Dr. Lee my Radiologist Oncologist has informed me that there will be side effects from this treatment to include fatigue and other inconveniences as therapy progresses. However, all my Dr’s have been so impressed on how well my chemotherapy went with very little side effects and they are thinking I should be able to get through this next step with flying colors. So, l do covet your continued prayers ... they are working and I thank the Lord for you...

I will continue to work 15-20 hours a week depending on how I feel and I must say, I have the most amazing “boss lady” Jill and Owner, Gary for being fantastic people. They are allowing me flexibility in my schedule.

Blessing to all and I will update you again soon. Love to everyone, Robin

Monday, January 4, 2010

Robin had an MRI of the pelvic area this Saturday, 12/26 and today, 12/28 we met with Dr. Lee – Radiologist Oncologist for a consultation. Dr. Lee informed us that the MRI showed no sign of a tumor – Great News!!!!

Dr. Lee did recommend that Robin undergo external radiation of the pelvic area because of the tumor invasion of the cervix and vagina. She informed us that Dr. Liserowitz and she agree, that if the cancer reoccur’s it would first manifest itself in the vagina, and if so, it would be extremely difficult to treat. Radiation will be a pre-emptive approach to eliminating the cancer from returning to the vagina. The radiation treatments would only protect the pelvic area and not the abdominal area where the cancer could reoccur. However, if the cancer would reoccur in the abdomen, there is far better opportunity to treat the cancer with chemotherapy and gain a positive outcome i.e. extending her life.

Robin has decided to go forward with the radiation. The treatments will be for six weeks, once daily, Monday thru Friday and will probably commence in mid January and continue through the end of February.

All of Robin’s doctors are very pleased with Robin’s response to surgery and chemotherapy and we are confident that going forward with the radiation will continue to produce positive results.

Once again, thank you everyone for you encouragement and your prayers. We are so blessed with so many friends!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Robin's update

Robin and Dan went to Robin’s appointment with Dr. Liserowitz on Monday 12/14 for her Chemo follow-up. Dr. Liserowitz is pleased with the results of the Chemo treatments; however he is recommending that Robin undergo radiation and has referred Robin to Dr. Susan Lee, Radiologist/Oncologist.

Dr. Lee has scheduled a Pelvic MRI this Saturday 12/26 and a consultation on Monday 12/28. Ovarian cancer has a high incidence of recurrence and although Robin is cancer free, there is always the concern that the cancer may return, hence, better safe than sorry.

Robin has not made a final decision regarding the recommended radiation therapy. She will decide what to do after she meets with Dr. Lee.

In summary – We will give you all an update once Robin has all the information necessary to decide on her next course of therapy. Today is a good day. Robin’s cancer is in remission and we are thankful and we are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with our children, grandchildren and great grandchild.

Merry Christmas to all!

Dan & Robin

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Robin had her sixth and final chemotherapy treatment this past Friday. Prior to her treatment, which was attended by Nancy Isbill and Karen Scott (of the infamous Bible Chicks), Dan and Robin met with her Hematology/Oncology (cancer blood doctor) physician – Dr. Shihabi.

Dr. Shihabi informed Robin that she came through her chemotherapy with flying colors. Her cancer markers are normal and as of Friday, she is Ovarian Cancer free and her Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) remains under control. Dr. Shihabi said that 80% of all Ovarian Cancer patients respond positively to this treatment; however, he did add that it was unusual to see the almost immediate positive. response that Robin experienced after her first chemotherapy treatment. He went on to say that cancer “re-occurrence”, should there be one, will generally manifest itself in one to three years after this six rounds of chemotherapy. Robin and Dan believe that the Lord has healed her, and we believe there will not be a cancer “re-occurrence.”

In addition, Dr. Shihabi said he will perform another bone marrow biopsy in the future to determine where Robin is with the CML. Once again, Robin and Dan believe the Lord has healed her from the CML as well and we will look forward to the tests from that biopsy.

Robin has sailed through her six rounds of chemotherapy with remarkably very few side effects. Other than the loss of hair (she looks very foxy with her wig) and fatigue, she has experienced little discomfort. Thank you Lord for taking care of our Robin!!!!

Robin will meet with her Gynecologist/Oncologist in four weeks to discuss the potential of radiation treatment. We are praying that radiation will not be necessary; however we will listen to her physicians recommendations and then Robin will make her decision regarding any further treatment.

Thank you everyone for your constant prayers, your meals, cards, letters, phone calls & visits. What would we do without our friends?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chemo #5 ~ one more to go!

Hello all you loyal blog followers!  Here's a note from Dan about the latest chemo ~ almost over!!!

Robin had her fifth chemo treatment this past Friday. She met with her Hematologist/Oncologist and he told her the cancer is responding to the treatments. This is good news and we are so thankful. Robin’s final chemo treatment will be Friday, November 13 - Whoopee!!! Robin is scheduled to meet with her gynecologist/oncologist-surgeon four weeks following her last chemo treatment to discuss his recommendation of radiation therapy – we will keep you posted….

Typically the first two days following her treatment, Robin is energetic and feels completely normal; however toward the end of the second day, fatigue sets in and she will spend the next two to three days in bed. The good news is that she does not experience any nausea, just fatigue. So, today, Robin is resting at home. If all goes as past treatments, she will be up and running toward the end of this week.

Robin believes that the Lord has healed her from both cancers. If you have time, read Psalm 116 – Robin has claimed this Psalm as a confirmation of her healing.

We love you all, your kindness, your cards and letters of encouragement, your fantastic meals (Dan loves them) and most of all your powerful prayers.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So sorry

Robin alerted me yesterday that the blog hadn't been updated in a while. I knew I had updated earlier this month, but when I logged in I found the post in my "drafts" and not published. So sorry for those of you loyal blog followers that have been wondering about Robin. Dan also said he'd get a note together soon. Also, when I spoke with her she sounded GREAT. Dan was out of town for 5 days last week and she was out and about Christmas shopping. She's constantly thinking of others . . . LOVE HER!


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